Your Host:

Kayla Price

Licensed Insurance and Retirement Professional

Kayla's family business is Price Services Group, L.L.C. (PSG). It is an independent insurance agency that works with many insurance companies to help those on Medicare find the best choice for them. Whether it be Medicare Supplements/Medigap, Medicare Advantage, or Medicare Part-D plans, PSG is as good as it gets.

It started with her educating people about Medicare every day and advising clients for the past 4 years. As she would say, "I eat, sleep and breathe Medicare so you don't have to." Her goal is to help each person she speaks with compare the pros and cons of each option they have in order to make educated decisions based on facts.

2025 PDP Webinar

Learn about the upcoming changes to prescription drug plans!

If you are already on Medicare and/or interested in learning more, you can watch as well!

What you'll learn:

  • Upcoming changes for 2025 prescription drug plans

We are here to help you!!

Medicare doesn't ever have to be hard or confusing

Millions of people every year struggle to figure out what to do with their Medicare. This ultimately comes down to not having the right advocates available to help them through their options and break things down in an easy to understand way. Our clients routinely rave about how simple we made the entire process!

Medicare Guide

If you are attending the webinar, you can download a Medicare Guide below. If you are new to Medicare, whether turning 65 or joining Medicare otherwise, you have a guide linked below. If you are currently on Medicare, you have a guide below as well.

Permission to Contact

This form will allow me to contact you regarding Medicare. I send out newsletters, emails, and texts with Medicare updates as well as follow up with people who want me to contact them. I also call people who have asked me to do so. You can use the form to provide permission. You can also ask to speak with me by clicking the green button that says "Schedule a Consultation."

What you can expect:

We are professional, extremely experienced, and sensitive to your specific needs and preferences. At PSG, our clients are like family. We make recommendations as if we were in your shoes. Most agents work for insurance companies. At PSG, we work with YOU!

Here is where you Matter!!

How to Contact Kayla

You can call or text 1-866-648-1578, or email [email protected]. You can schedule a consultation using the green buttons on this page.

PSG Website

You can visit our website by clicking below:

What you will receive

Needs based service

Pick an agency that puts your needs first. There are many options when it comes to choosing a good plan, but there are also many variables. You need to make sure your doctor is covered. You need to make sure your medications are covered. On top of that, you need to make sure your other needs are met all at the same time. We will search through your options to find your very best choice.

Ongoing long term service

Most agents and agencies think their job is over once they help you find a plan. The issue with this is, sometimes you need help later! Sometimes you need a reminder on how something is covered. When you work with us, you are given year round customer support from our top line service team. Whether it be answering a question or whether it's helping with a claim, we are here to serve you.

Informing you of the changes

PSG has a long standing reputation of keeping our clients informed of changes right when they need to know about them. If you are on a plan that over time no longer looks like it is your best option, we will always let you know of other options that are available!

We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently we represent 23 organizations nationwide which offer 1,779 products nationwide. Please contact , 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options.

A non-government site hosted by Price Services Group, L.L.C., a health insurance agency

Price Services Group (L.L.C.) is NOT Endorsed by or Affiliated with Medicare or ANY Government Program.

We contract with multiple insurance carriers so we have numerous plan options available to you. However, we may not offer every plan available in your area. Also, keep in mind that while we may have multiple plan options available to you, we may not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer.